Letters worth sharing

Pera Barrett: Letters to my daughter and son that I think are worth sharing with the world. The life lessons I’ve learned and want to pass on, the cover everything from resilience, to handling stress, the New Zealand political system, happiness, productivity, grief and depression – pretty much whatever lessons life throws my way. I write them down before I forget.

Letter to daughter: Hold your loved ones close

Dear Huhana and Kāhu,   Last night I dreamed my Grandad Ray (your Great Grandfather), had passed away. In the dream, my phone rang.   “Hello?’ “Hey,” Mum said, “Grandad’s died.” Three words.  I felt my stomach drop, but Mum sounded so composed. No surprise really. Her, the toughest woman I know.   “OK, I’m on my …

Letter to daughter: Hold your loved ones close Read More »