Beautiful day to move some Women’s Refuge gifts to the DHL office. Kia ora DHL for helping us get these beautifully wrapped bundles of aroha to the kids who need them most. Years ago when I was planning the model, I emailed DHL and another company at around 10.30pm. I didn’t really expect a response. The project was tiny back then, it was only the couple hundred people and the kids they’d gifted to who had heard about it. But Dean from DHL replied at 7am the next morning saying they would love to help. BNZ have been the same with branch managers putting their hands up to be drop off points across the city when we needed them, and helping out from day one. I’ve changed the delivery model and direction since then as we all paddle this waka closer to a truly community powered project and one that doesn’t rely on me at the front. That’s why we drop off at the schools now instead. There’s two cool things about DHL and BNZ’s help: Tahi) Good rangatira/leaders being smart in leveraging the resources on hand to make a difference and play their part, Rua) Companies being smart in empowering those leaders to make good decisions. Kia ora to the smart companies using their people and resources to deliver social good, not just shareholder returns.

from Pera Barrett

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