Aroha & āwhina

Having thanked some of the people and companies who help make Shoebox Christmas happen at the scale it does, and having been thanked by a lot of you, I want to say kia ora to someone else who, without her mahi, patience, and aroha, Shoebox Christmas wouldn’t be what it is: my hoa rangatira, my wife, Danielle.

Danielle works as well as does more than her share in raising our little two and five year olds. During this especially intense part of the year and project, it’s easy for me to do nothing other than wake up and ‘Shoebox’, rush through my part of the morning routine with our tamariki, sprint to the train for my 9-5, roll home for my bit of the evening routine, shoebox, then sleep. She makes sure that doesn’t happen, that we do more than just survive the midst of the October – December madness when the yard turns into a jungle and those daily life things I’m meant to remember sometimes slip through my overcrowded brain’s walls.

For the kai in the park after work, the organised catch-ups with our friends, and for keeping us moving together as a whānau, so Shoebox Christmas can continue to give, ngā mihi nui ki a koe, Danielle.

from Pera Barrett

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