Wellington Shoebox Christmas Kia ora team, a quick update and video from Rachael who dropped off the remaining gifts and food packages for the homeless whānau who relocated to Porirua. There’s been a massive amount of aroha and atawhaitanga (love and compassion) from lots of you over the last few days and it’s been beautiful to see. You’ve given that in the form of food parcels and gifts for them and the whānau who took them in. Thank you for caring for those of US who are in most need of that care. The 13 tamariki and three adults in this household will experience a bit of what many of us are lucky enough to think of as normal this Christmas: kai on the table, presents under the tree, and a moment of not needing to think too much today about what tomorrow might bring. The adults were incredibly moved and grateful for the smaller load I took out on your behalf a few days ago, I know this is going to be hugely appreciated. He waka eke noa – We are all in this canoe together. Pera

Community can be a beautiful thing.
from Pera Barrett https://ift.tt/2Q57Qs4

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