Wellington Shoebox Christmas Kia ora e te whānau Shoebox Christmas! I hope you’re all having an awesome time making memories and moments of appreciation with whānau, loved ones, or your happy self. This message from a whānau who were receivers of gifts and are now gifters, is a great Christmas Eve reminder of why the project exists, and the difference you’ve all helped us make as a community. “We have 2 children who are a little older now (college and intermediate) and they were blessed to have received Shoebox Christmas gifts when they were at primary school. It meant the world to our family as we were struggling to keep our heads above water at the time and we just couldn’t see the light at the end of the holiday tunnel, so to speak. The gifts our children were fortunate enough to receive made all the difference in their world, and ours, they were so over the moon, that was an amazing gift for us as parents. This year things have changed with us starting our very own family business and we have been blessed to be able to participate in giving back to an amazing cause and we will continue to do so in the future. So Merry Christmas to all the Shoebox Angels and we hope you all have an absolutely Blessed new year :)” Have a good one team. Let’s do it again next year. Pera

from Pera Barrett https://ift.tt/2Sm9iJC

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