Using story to address bias

How stories help address bias

One of the main ways that stories like this can be effective in raising awareness about bias is by allowing readers to see the world through the eyes of the characters. By experiencing the events of the story as if they are happening to us, we are able to get a firsthand understanding of the impact that bias can have on individuals and communities.

For example, in “She thinks she knows,” readers are able to see the ways in which Jess’s preconceived notions about the man on the motorbike lead her to make assumptions about his character and motivations. As the story progresses, it becomes clear that these assumptions were unfounded and that the man was actually working to help his community. This type of plot twist can be a powerful way to illustrate the dangers of making judgments about others based on limited information.

In addition to highlighting the consequences of bias, stories like “She thinks she knows” can also serve as a call to action for readers to examine their own biases and work towards being more understanding and inclusive. By seeing the impact of bias through the eyes of the characters, readers may be more motivated to take a critical look at their own beliefs and actions.

Overall, stories like “She thinks she knows” can be a valuable tool for bringing awareness to the dangers of bias and stereotype. By immersing readers in the experiences of the characters, these types of stories can help to illustrate the real-world consequences of making assumptions about others and encourage readers to work towards being more understanding and inclusive.

Read She thinks she knows by Pera Barrett here:

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